6 رمضان المبارک, 1446 ہجری
the supervision of Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat (a
department of Dawat-e-Islami),
a Madani Mashwarah of the responsible Islamic sisters was held in London (UK).
Responsible Islamic sisters
(Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat) had the privilege of
attending this important Mashwara. Region level responsible Islamic sister (Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat) analysed
the Kaarkardagi (performance) of
the attendees (Islamic sisters),
gave them Tarbiyyah and shared some beneficial points to strengthen Madani
activities of this department. Moreover, she motivated
them to give donation to Dawateislami and take part in ‘Telethon campaign’ wholeheartedly.